Founded by @Mysterytrader99, ChartsCoach’s primary purpose is to educate & inform independent traders & investors about various aspects of technical analysis & advanced charting techniques. Often there comes a time in every traders/investor’s life where utilizing a strategic technical coach to expand their charting & analytical abilities can greatly improve their performance within financial markets.
ChartsCoach’s goal is to help serve all individuals who are eager to learn how to use charts as a powerful analytical tool & serve as a mentor / coach. Daily charts updates over dozens of asset classes also provide a valuable confirmation tool for your own charting to make sure you are on the right track. Gaining a better understanding of advanced charting techniques from a coach with a public proven track record of accuracy will greatly impact the efficacy & profitability of one’s technical tools on the profits in your portfolio.
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A lot of transport rotation calls this week of which most in retrospect, but @MysteryTrader99 was the one suggesting lotto calls for a big run up into opex. $UNP aug calls already up 700% and counting. Lottos probably much more! One of the many great money makers on chartscoach!
A membership of ChartsCoach is a must if you’re a day trader or investor! Doesn’t matter at what level you are. @MysteryTrader99 is a living time machine. You will learn a lot!
Morgan F.
I give @MysteryTrader99 trader my full endorsement. MT provides deep market analysis, a robust platform (always updated) and valuable 1-on-1 coaching. I have greatly expanded my knowledge of the markets and macro factors from him and feel truly fortunate to have found his site
Adam CFA
Hats off to ChartsCoach who’s absolutely nailed the #VIX move calling it well ahead of time. Impressive platform to help navigate these volatile markets!
Man, your site and facilities, updates, presentations … just everything is really awesome. Thanks for the efforts and time you are sparing for such remarkable work. I’m really speechless, and what ever will say will never be enough . Really appreciated
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Total Money Supply: Gold, M0, M1, M2
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Federal Deficit 12-YR historical chart
Top 10 City Spending in USA
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Federal Budget Comparison: 2018 vs 2019
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Federal Revenue: % Breakdown By Receipts
State & Local Revenue: % Breakdown By Receipts
Federal Gov Tax Revenues: Individual & Corporate
Total Government Spending: Federal/State/Local
Total Gov Spending: % Breakdown By Function
Social Security, Medicare, Welfare, Military, Veterans
Federal Gov Spending: Per Category Per Capita
Total Number of US Banks – Per Cateogry $ in Assets
Total US Consumer Credit/Debt – Per Cateogry
Real-time Trade Balance Data: GNP, GDP, RGDP
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Trade Imports % by Country: Top 12 Nations
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Dow30 & SP500 Index: Sector % Breakdown
Michael D. W.
Just 4 days ago I came to twitter with a 400% XLF trade. Well today it happened again, 450% trade on Apple sold last night! Both of these opportunities were floated on ChartsCoach if you haven’t already consider subscribing
Omair A.
BIG SHOUT OUT to ChartsCoach for the small guy like me! the lessons in trade mgmt, neutral weighting, and scouting with bollingers, stochs, vol profiles have transformed my trading and confidence. Not to mention profits (1023% GDX today on a strangle!)
Sergiy R.
Huge Thank you to ChartsCoach for amazing, in depth and pragmatic analysis. Charts Coach is a fantastic platform, both for beginners and seasoned traders! Most importantly, MT is very humble and eager to share his knowledge! Sign up!
Want to thank you again for the MSFT trade alert and coaching. Made a cool 80% on my 1 week trade. The service and coaching you offer for the price is unbelievable. Thank you for all that you do for your subscribers!
Tim P
MT, your knowledge, wisdom and website are phenomenal & invaluable! I’ve learned a ton & made a lot of $$. Thanks!
Dow 30 (by Sector)
- 17.9% Technology
- 15.7% Financials
- 13.2% Healthcare
- 14.4% Consumer Disc.
- 19.7% Industrials
- 7.5% Consumer Staples
- 7.1% Energy
- 2.6% Materials
- 0% Utilities
- 0% Real Estate
- 1.9% Telecom
Sample Market Moves (%)
SP500 (By Sector)
- 25.7% Technology
- 14.7% Financials
- 13.7% Healthcare
- 12.8% Consumer Disc.
- 9.9% Industrials
- 6.7% Consumer Staples
- 6.1% Energy
- 2.8% Materials
- 2.8% Utilities
- 2.7% Real Estate
- 1.8% Telecom
Asset Classes (DOW USD GOLD TLT)

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Alex M.
MT, I just closed my XLF trade today at the open for a 1500% profit. Amazing strategies and macro picture, sir. Your service at chartscoach is a giveaway and everyone should sign up. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
ChartsCoach does it again! He was calling out the signs of a market downturn, with time frames and downside targets. With the great information he provides on I was able to execute a $VXX options trade for 500+% gains. Thank you MT, great stuff!
Thanks for the knowledgeable view on metals the past month. With the insight, I entered $SLV calls for a 6x trade. Really excited to see how this Marco play will eventually play out!
Dane D.
I completely agree and enthuastically second this endorsement. His analysis is consistently accurate and timely. His willingness to coach and share his considerable knowledge and experience is invaluable. The Charts Coach platform is an excellent resource! Thank you MT.
This guy is some sort of time traveling wizard. How tf does he call these trades almost spot on with consistency?
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